If the police suspect you of a crime, they will start asking questions. If they arrest you for the suspected crime, they will ask you even more.
In both situations, you have no obligation to answer their questions other than to confirm your name and address. Even if you have nothing to hide, silence is often the best choice, at least until you can get qualified legal help to guide you.
Staying silent makes it harder for the police to pin the blame on you
Often, officers have no idea what went on or whether you were involved. They are just fishing for information in the hope that you, or someone else they question may give them a lead or say something that makes their job easier.
How do you exercise your right to remain silent?
While you could just ignore the questioner, that will only lead to them trying other tactics to pressure you into answering. These could range from the good cop bad cop routine to outright lies such as telling you that one of your friends has just told them you are both guilty. Both are legally valid tactics, despite how dubious they may seem and even though such tactics have resulted in people confessing to crimes they did not commit.
To stop the questions, you need to say something like, “I wish to invoke my right to remain silent” or “I will only answer questions with an attorney present.” Make it clear that you understand your right not to stay silent and wish to exercise it.
Calling for legal help as soon as you have to deal with the police can help you protect your rights during a stressful situation where it is easy to make costly mistakes.