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Why do teens drink alcohol even when it’s illegal?

On Behalf of | Feb 3, 2025 | DUI

When teenagers drink alcohol, it can lead to a wide variety of legal charges. They could be caught using fake IDs to buy alcohol while underage. Some teens may be accused of furnishing alcohol to others. Minor in possession charges are common when police break up parties or social gatherings. There is also the possibility that a teen could be charged with DUI.

As a parent, you understand these risks and hope that your teen will avoid alcohol until they turn 21. However, statistics show that many teens engage in underage drinking. So why do they take this risk despite the legal consequences?

They want to feel older

Many teens simply want to feel older. They know that adults drink, and they see alcohol use in movies and TV shows. Even though they understand it is illegal, they may drink anyway as part of the process of growing up and figuring out who they are. They could also face peer pressure from those around them.

It’s an act of rebellion

In some cases, teens drink specifically because they know it is illegal. They see it as an act of rebellion against authority figures, such as parents or law enforcement. In these situations, they often do not consider the long-term consequences.

Stress and enjoyment

Finally, just like adults, teens sometimes drink because they enjoy it or use it as a way to relieve stress. A 18-year-old starting college, for example, might feel overwhelmed by new social situations and a demanding curriculum. They may see alcohol as a way to relax on the weekends.

Regardless of why your teenager was arrested for an alcohol-related offense, it is crucial to understand all of the legal defense options available so that you can focus on protecting their future.